Monday, May 14, 2012

Bay to Breakers

If there is anything that is undeniably quintessential San Francisco it is the third Sunday in May, otherwise known as Bay to Breakers.

In its 101st year (1912 was the first one when it was known as the "Cross-City Race") this years Bay to Breakers will most likely push the limits of what the city wants to be a calm foot race across the city. But every year it turns out to be anything but that. The course is packed with over 60,000 participants dressed in costumes (and sometimes nothing at all). Even though in recent years there have been several attempts at curbing the party atmosphere of the event, it has yet to work. The die-hard runners usually complete the course in 45 minutes, but everyone else revels in the various costumes and enjoy a few cocktails along the way. The party tends to culminate in the Panhandle.

This being one of the best Sunday Fundays of the year, I wanted to share with you my recipe for Sangria which has become a staple for my Bay to Breakers experience. It is easy to make a large batch of the drink and share with your friends on the course or at pre-party (which usually starts around 6am).


  • 4 orange
  • 40 strawberrys (chopped)
  • 5 pears (chopped)
  • 2 limes
  • 1/2 cup of sugar
  • 1 bottle of triple sec
  • 1 bottle of brandy 
You will also need:
  • several bottles of a red wine of your choice
  • soda wate
In a large container, juice 2 of the oranges and the two limes. Add the sugar, strawberries, pears, and the last of the oranges. Pour equal parts of Triple Sec and Brandy (I usually make a large batch and just use the all of the 2 bottles). Let the mixture sit over night or for few hours to let the fruit soak and excrete all of its natural goodness.

When you are ready to drink, fill a glass with ice and as much of the base as you would like (remember that it is straight alcohol and the fruit has also absorbed the alcohol, so use your best judgment). Then add a red wine of your choice and top with soda water.

What is your favorite drink for Bay to Breakers?

What are your costume ideas?

Mine: my friends and I are going as the 1%

Drink Reponsibly and Have Fun!!!!

Monday, May 7, 2012

The Manhattan

 Latest installment where I discuss how to make a Manhattan. More videos to come....

Happy Drinking!!
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