Saturday, March 3, 2012

"It's Like Fine Dining for a Drink"

I would think that nothing displays the success of a city like being featured in the New York Times Travel section. In December 2009, San Francisco did just that. But the write up was not about the dungeness crab season or Fisherman’s Wharf. Rather it focused on the burgeoning cocktail scene in San Francisco, and writer Gregory Dicum gives a detailed description of his drinking experiences. The article mentions several bars that are still thriving today, 3 years after the article was initially written. In the world of restaurants and bars that is quite the accomplishment. They do a good job of introducing the classic cocktailing scene in the city by the bay.

Bourbon and Branch, one of the bars mentioned in the articles is the quintessential cocktail bar in San Francisco, with all hand crafted drinks and ingredients. Below is a short video that shows bartenders that work there discussing their outlook on mixing drinks at this "prohibition"/"speakeasy" themed bar.

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