Saturday, March 3, 2012

Welcome to LaDescargaBar

La Descarga refers to a term in Latin Jazz that means to improvise and literally means “to unload”. Developed in the rum bars of Havana, Cuba I found it fitting to represent the culture of social drinking scenes. Often times, what is it that we do to “unload” after a long stressful day of work….drink and laugh. We improvise and make the best of what is in front of us and often times that involves drinking with our friends. For myself, being Cuban, Latin Jazz and a good rum drink embodies the ideas of social drinking. Also, a huge inspiration for this blog come from own drinking experiences and also after visiting an actual bar in LA called "La Descarga," although I think they only used the name for trend purposes. Here is a short video on that bar. If you're ever in the LA area check them out for some classical rum drinks.

With the rise of classic cocktailing, especially in a city like San Francisco, where to drink and with whom can be quite a daunting task and has elevated the age old activity to something that is trendy. In order to keep up with this trends, I created this blog to help San Franciscans find the hippest bar of the week, and allow for up and coming bars to promote themselves. Whether you are looking for a prohibition themed bar or a local dive with skee ball, San Francisco has either and everything in between.

I will include postings on up and coming bars, established bars, the best places to day-drink, information on various liquors, recipes, and classic cocktailing techniques. I look forward to being able to hear from other bartenders that live in San Francisco. Feel free to eloquently put your +”two cents” in on any of the topics.

Being a bartender for close 10 years, I have learned a thing or two about making a good cocktail and finding a good bar. I hope you find this blog informative. Support your local establishments!!

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